
Showing posts from January, 2010

Allahu rabbi...

Alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin, Segala puji bagi Allah tuhan sekalian alam, Praise be to Allah the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds.. Translation of ayatul kursi : Allah. There is no god but He,-the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His presence except as He permitteth? He knoweth what (appeareth to His creatures as) before or after or behind them. Nor shall they compass aught of His knowledge except as He willeth. His Throne doth extend over the heavens and the earth, and He feeleth no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is the Most High, the Supreme (in glory). Sehari sebelum balik sekolah, " ha.. kan abah dah agak dieorg menang... dah lar hakim cina, peguam india.. elok lar tuh,". Berdetak hatiku ketika itu, mahkamah tinggi benarkan penggunaan kalimah Allah dalam herald-the Catholic weekly. Lantas mataku mengerling pada paper kat tgn abah. A...