The power of bismillah...

salamun alaik..
Im just a normal 'naughty' girl before and im just like to share you my unforgettable experience. It was about the miracle of bismillah. One word that made me strong and qowiey!! Before im practising this word, I have heard a lot about its advanatges. The story of a wife has a bad-tempered husband which practising bismillah was very famous at my school. Finally, her husband agreed that bismillah could protact his wife from danger.

I was at the end of form 4 when the incident occured. My friends and I was about a month being the heads prefects of Shams. Then, the form 5 students (and others) brought a lot of 'haram' stuff (usual prob at the end of the year) , One nice evening, my f3 sis(prefect) came and told me that her roomate (f5) brought a handphone. I asked her to take it if she dare. Then, suddenly, she gave me a red and white handphone while we're at the preparation class. Im smiling before her for her braveness. How could a f3 student bravely took a handphone of f5 student? Furthermore, the big sis has her own group.

 Im focusing at my homework that night, abruptly my friend come and said "ana, ade akak nak jmpe". My eyes speedly glanced at the person behind the back door of my class. 'hurm.. I got it, it must be she.. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.." im whispering to myself. Slowly and calmly I got up from my sit and walked to her and her friend. Along the way, Im just reciting the miracle word. With a purely smile I greet her and asked why? Then..

"Urm.. urm.. enset akak ade kat kmu ke?" she asked while looking at her friend. she looked a bit frightened to asked me about her handphone. Then, she pulled her friend's clothe while asking me once again. " Aah.. ade dekat saya, malam ni saya bagi kat ustaz ye, ape2 pun kita jumpe ustaz dlu ye", I replied with smile. Only the Lord knows the chills around my neck (takut kot akak f5) huh.. Alhamdulilah.

Just after the prep. class, I went to see ustaz zaini at his room and gave him the handphone. Alhamdulillah, everything done! 11 o'clock at night, Aten and I prepared to lock the aspuri gates. Aten asked me to lock the left-side gate, suddenly, came the f5 sis and her friends to met me (again!) . Bismillah. They we're about to say something when Ustaz zaini's car abruptly drove behind me. The two sis stunted and leaved me alone. Im just smiling and.. alhamdulillah..

Its miracle right.. btw, im not sure - what im before is still me right now - mybe yes mybe no. and maybe the f5 sis is better than me right now. and if i tel her- she must laugh aloud.. it was just a piece of my experience.

  p/s - but, next year, students is allow to bring handphones.. thanks the govt. it lower the burden for my  little prefects ( handphone wasn't the haram stuff anymore, sis )  


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