
Showing posts from April, 2012

Aku... siapa?

Pagi itu sungguh indah, terasa nyaman udara dalam bilik kecil yang menempatkan aku dan usrahku. Masing-masing tampak segar selepas bangkit dari tidur. Malam tadi sungguh seronok, sama-sama masak ( terutama kak  nana) sempena menyambut kegembiraan mendapat keputusan spm. Macam-macam perkara yang dikongsi, setelah lama berusrah inilah kali pertama kami betul2 duduk dalam rumah naqibah kami. (sonok betul ^_^). Dalam keheningan pagi tu, kak nana duduk membaca quran ( dia dulu DQ) . tiba -tiba  kak nana : ape kate kita buat usrah nak.. kiteorg : nak2, ok jugak mulalah usrah kami pagi tu dalam pukul 8 pagi, macam-macam perkara yang kak nana share, salah satu yg paling aku igt persoalan mengenai siapa kita dalam kehidupan ni.. kak nana : sape tahu.. ape tujuan kite dijadikn? aku : utk beribadat kpd Allah, yg ayat wama khalqtul.. tu.. kak nana : ha.. betul2, ok cube bce ayt tu betul2.. (aku pun bacelah betul2) kak nana: selain yg farzana cakap, ade lgi x? H : ad...

Bernoulli's principle

A principle about speed and pressure (if im not wrong). the applications is on the wings of aeroplane, when the speed of air above the wing is higher, then the pressure is low. while the pressure below the wing will be greater which result in the upwards movement of wings and the earoplane itself. (thanks mama, still remembering u). What about its application in life? let image the speed of air as the obstacles of life, the wings is ourself, while the pressure below is our inner potential. Is it true when we face hardness in life it will rise up our inner potential? I have a story to tell you. It happen when me n my frens (teah, naimah, mizah, nad and ... couldn't remember them sorry ) took part in Karnival Sains peringkat Negeri Sembilan. I still remember how nervous we're with our small and silly experiment with our titlte as the single SMKA student which take part in the carnival, it really make us low esteem. we devided into two group, my group sat beside TKC's (Tun...