Jesse Budd had prove us the reasons of un-illegal relationship between men and women. He brought us to see the psychology of men and women. Women may say yes, cause they have no feeling towards his guy friends, but what about the guys? At the end of the discussion, all the respondent said no - because thats the real answer. im not going to babbling about this issue ~ just watch this movie and conclude it for yourself. maybe you can see this - The only solution is back to the quran ~ what is the legal relationship between men and women ( other than get married) ? there is certain part of our life that we need each other. we can classified it into 4 main points : 1- studying (male teacher n female student or vice versa) 2- selling n buying ( seller n customer) 3- medical needs (doctor n patient) 4- amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar i would like to discuss about the 4th point, amar maruf nahi mungkar. what is ...
Oktober 2009. Jarum jam menghampiri pukul 12.00 tengah hari, kami sebagai peserta Kem Latihan Kepimpinan 09’ sedang menyusun resolusi bagi sesi kami tahun hadapan. Ketika sesi itu berlangsung, Ketua Umum I mempengerusikan majlis. Kami diminta duduk seperti ahli parlimen, semua KP duduk di atas kerusi dalam satu bulatan besar tanpa lapis. Manakala, 10 orang Ahli Majlis Tertinggi termasuk aku, Fatin, Afiza, Timah dan Myrabell dan AMT muslimin berada di tengah. Taktala KU I menalankan sesi itu, fasi kami, abang Hazwan tiba-tiba memanggil dia untuk berbincang sesuatu. Lalu, aku selaku KU II terpaksa mengambil alih peranan KU I. Maka, bermulalah episode yang tidak pernah kami jangka akan terjadi dalam KLIK 09’. Bilik Badar SMKA SHAMS Aku meneruskan tugasnya tadi untuk menulis semua cadangan-cadangan dari KP2 bagi sesi kami akan datang. Selesai menulis cadangan yang terakhir muat di atas white board, tiba-tiba aku bersuara, “ Oh, rupa-rupanya ada otak semua KP ni? ...
A principle about speed and pressure (if im not wrong). the applications is on the wings of aeroplane, when the speed of air above the wing is higher, then the pressure is low. while the pressure below the wing will be greater which result in the upwards movement of wings and the earoplane itself. (thanks mama, still remembering u). What about its application in life? let image the speed of air as the obstacles of life, the wings is ourself, while the pressure below is our inner potential. Is it true when we face hardness in life it will rise up our inner potential? I have a story to tell you. It happen when me n my frens (teah, naimah, mizah, nad and ... couldn't remember them sorry ) took part in Karnival Sains peringkat Negeri Sembilan. I still remember how nervous we're with our small and silly experiment with our titlte as the single SMKA student which take part in the carnival, it really make us low esteem. we devided into two group, my group sat beside TKC's (Tun...
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