Application in life

talk bout education again and again coz im still a student
last week, i've learnt bout 'am and khas', it is about ayat2 al-quran , and to know which is ayat am or ayat khas ( my classmate u noe what i mean )..
then, i asked the presenter about ayat 23 surah al-baqarah, either it is am or khas.. some of them attempt to give the answer but the others refuse and said, "i'll refer to the tafsir later"... huh, my classmate i ask u, are we really learnt Al-Quran and As- Sunnah?? are we really study about syariah islamiyyah?? if yes, then why we can't answer my question?? im juz ask u to determined wheter it is ayat am or khas, rite?? ( this is juz the expression of my feelings k)

Ana x setuju kalau kita kata kte dh blajar psl Al quran, kte dh tau psl syariah, kte dh tau bnyk hadis ataupun kte dh blaja bnyk tntg living things or bout particles or bout momentum ... padahal ble ditnye ssuatu yg x diajar, kte x dpt walhal kte dh bljar konsepnye rite?? satu perkara yg ana x gemar dlm bljar ialah we study juz to get A+++ , then ble tnye pd ckgu tntg sumthg yg x msk pekse some of them will say, " klu dlm pekse die x tnye sume nih".. Bg sye, ble seorg ank murd brtnye mknenye die minat dlm bidg tu, mmg x sume bende cikgu perlu bgtw pd ank murid tp ble ade yg brtnye tlonglah jgn musnhkan minat kami...

Pendpt peribadi ana, sistem persekolahan di Malaysia hanyalah mahu mendedahkan pljr pd dunia ilmu, sume calon spm wajib ambil sej, bm, bi, math dan subjek tambahan mengikut minat msg2. macam ana ambl 11 subjek, bm, bi, bat, sej, math, +math, bio, chem, physics, pqs, psi... 3 bahasa, 3 sains, 2 matematik, 2 agama dan 1 asal usul ... huih, acapkali ana terfkir knape kne blajar sume nih?? padahal bkn sume aq nk further..knape mesti amk pekse?? ape aplikasi subjek ni dlm hidup aq??
then, one day i realize.. after i discuss wif my mentor, kak Azzah... i ask her bout all dis then i come out wif my own idea.. the goverment expose the student wif the world of knowledge... ye, klu kte perhatikn btul2 kte hnye blajar basic shj sbnrnye, lg2 dlm subjk agama, kbnyknnya sngt2 basic... mmg nk faham btol2 tu susah...

tp ana x setuju satu hal.. knape mesti dedahkan kami terlalu lme... im 17 but im still schooling... mcm mne nk lahirkn profesional mude?? mcm mne nk bentuk remaja perintis negara?? huh, bnyk btol soalan... nnti ana furtherkn pd tmpt yg sepatutnye..

so, my frens... wk2 skola tgk btol2 ape yg korg minat dan nk lebihkan, kbnykn rkyt m'sia brsifat holistik tp x master dlm satu2 bab sbb tu susah nk invent sumthg, masterkan dlm satu2 bab dan luaskan thaqofah msg2...( buat mse nih, kte still kne kejar A+, wait till the transformation occur k)

Ilmu yg ana nk sngt dalami - ARAB, AL QURAN, SCIENCE


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