Lub dub

lub dub....lub dub...lub dub...lub dub..lub dub..lub dub.lub dub.lub dub lubdub lub dub....

someone is dying
coz something will come out soon
and no one could help her
coz she has no one except Him
in order to get..
success or not (not dare enough to say fail)
achived or not
what she could do?
pray, pray and pray
hope, hope and hope
for miracle to happen
for her parents to redha
and for herself to accept it as a qadar
that have been stated at There
the only one
she could depend on

and she also hope the same
for every single person which being kind to her
or anyone who treat her as a foe
cause we are all homosapient
which is created by Him...

May all of us
get what we aim in SPM
and let it bring us closer to Him
not further from Him
Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin...

 and oh, alhamdulillah... im still alive ^_^


  1. ana, kita pun *lupduplupdup* macam awak jugak.
    tiap2 hari rajin google *keputusan spm2010*
    dan tiap2 hari setia menunggu ibu balik rumah membawa suratkhabar untuk mengetahui bilakah hari 'itu' akan tiba.

    seram tak terkira kan?

  2. haha...tau xpe, wk2 ak post tjuk nih.bdebar arini jannah gtw ak, ckgu azmah kte spm kuar 23 mac nih...

  3. yelah. dah tau dah. baru tau td. sbnrnye rslt dah ada kat jbtn, just tanak kuarkan. ishhishh. penderaan tu namanya.


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